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RAB No. 
FAQs Categories
About the requirements of CPD
Research Visits
What is a Practice Support Group (PSG)?
What is an In Office Training Group (IOT)?
Rules around Practice Support Groups and In Office Training Groups
Getting points for an article
Reading Professional Journals
Claiming points for Scheduled Events and for Individual Activities


Why can I only belong to one Practice Support Group or In Office Training Group at a time?
For the purpose of collecting CPD points you can only belong to either ONE Practice Support Group (PSG) or ONE In Office Training Group (IOT) for three main reasons:

(1) these groups are minimal ways of achieving CPD points in each of the Units of Competency and;

(2) NZRAB policy states that no one activity type should be the only way that a Registered Architect achieves their yearly CPD points and;

(3) so as not to disadvantage Registered Architects in provincial regions, the rule is set for all regions. For instance, in an urban area it might be possible for a Registered Architect to join both a PSG and an IOT and cover essentially the same material, but get points for both, and through the use of one type of activity achieve their yearly minimum. By comparison, a Registered Architect in a provincial region does not have this opportunity. A Registered Architect may join as many groups as he or she wishes, but for the purposes of accumulating CPD points only one group is registered.



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